noon I am surrounded by people who I cannot say are my friends, but who laugh with me. Even though things are horribly, horribly, wrong- This moment, is alright. My head, heavy and burdened with anguish is diverted My eyes flutter lightly Look up And land upon your face Vehemently, so painfully, suddenly My eyes drop As if to hide from your gaze You barely look at me, but I feel you seeing me Everything about me becomes so apparent My crude mouth, scowling My crooked teeth, yellowing My hands, fumbling and fat I drop my head in embarrassment Embarrassed to even exist When I look up, your head is down too, you are smiling to yourself You look beautiful. The folds around the corners of your mouth show all your character Your hand moves to your head, to brush a piece of hair away Every movement is fluid, and perfect Your stature radiates in its casual but sturdy slump I look at you and think back to the Statue of David, by Michelangelo To me you are a spitting image Everything inside me crumbles I feel wrong to speak to you, though I’ve know you so closely, and for so long. The fact that you acknowledge me, though you hardly do is humbling, shocking All in one instant I am both crushed and appalled by you Even without your rejection I dismiss any hopes that had lingered of our union I realize my fantasies are absurd. I could disappear in that instant Slowly fade to a solemn shade of black and never be seen again by human eyes By your eyes I wish I had never met you Wish you had never been dangled before me to lust after, long for Only to all be crushed by that span of seconds When my eyes met that smile That god ****** smile I pray that you leave until I can’t bear it anymore And when you’re finally gone, the relief is sickly Whatever you saw can’t be unseen Whatever you’ve taken from me by your eyes and your ears is now yours