I read a story about escaping today On the phone that never leaves my side On the phone that makes me feel self-conscious with out its presence I read a story about skipping moments And their baggage of lifetimes Just jumping to a present anticipated Not existed through Not experienced or felt Imagine this Imagine a whirlwind and its center Imagine it gilded Imagine their being a portal in the middle And a thin gravel road to its gate Why is it guilded? Because anticipations are glittery They make us reach out with our subconscious They make us want what we'd never need when we're sane When reality binds us in its grip But these are the times when veracity isn't a problem For we are imagining With fantasies perfected through countless school hours Where we killed tiny bits if ourselves everyday The "where did we go wrong"'s speeches by the parents The gentle but sadly condescending gazes of therapists All that paved the way to a meticulous solitude we learned how to be without being And to exist in the oblivion Where us and "our world" are at a frightening precision So I read a story about omitting Everything in between On the phone that never leaves my side And so I found the source of the story and removed it I live for the anticipated moments For unexpected flashes of happiness For the unforeseen events that changes bits and pieces of our lives For the unanticipated love strangers make me feel For the pain that reminds me i'm only human Everything I couldn't skip for the sake of living