I imagine life with wings flying through crisp currents feathers pruned neatly a world beneath my shadows.
I imagine life from the trees swinging through depleted canopy beating chest in frustration a face of humanity turned wild and cold.
I imagine life in the oceans extracting oxygen from the depths blasting the surface with great bursts my song traveling vast distances.
I imagine life snaking the deserts burrowing for protection from predator and sun searing pain from the vestige of limb all part of the natural plan.
I imagine the Earth from beyond a shining jewel, polished by debris exporting our imprint by stamp sealed with approval, delivered by scope.
I imagine looking back at an affected world, alien and foreign, hope for diplomatic relations logic and reason, replaced by treason as minds were affected corroded to core, a shining jewel no more, the blast not heard, another tree fell, a capsule launched with seed and tears... caught by passage of time, an evolution takes over, who shall be the next to record?