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Jan 2013
Where are you going?
Don't try and leave
You're weak
And bleeding

You made the choice
The decision
To leave me in the gutter
To consummate the fruition

You did this to ME!
You sewed the quilt
Each patch forever together
But you didn't realize the sudden guilt

You felt when you were with him
It was just a revenge
An intuition

Now you look back in regret
In sorrow
Because you took me for granted
For borrowed

Now look at you
And look at me
Your safe in your state
In solidarity

But, I'm here
In the city that wakes
You're stuck with a life
That you wish you could shake

You did this to yourself
Your own
But, I'm sitting here nostalgic
Wishing you were home
Jordan Farelli
Written by
Jordan Farelli
   Amina Yakubu
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