How has time become so lost, where does it all go? We have days upon weeks with people we love, but not enough time to go slow. Time isn’t real. Its human made. It has nothing to do with our souls or how we feel So why do we act as if it’s real? I remember a childhood of playing outside, Now all I’ve got is a bank account with not enough money to survive. Growing up has come It’s taken 17 years to arrive But why then am I acting so surprised? That’s why we make such a fuss. It’s what society has instilled in us. I know I won’t want to have to grow up and say; sorry kid’s mommy doesn’t have enough time for you today. There’s an easy solution To our problem of time dilution Slow down, stay back, be happy Take a chance to think, unplug the computer, turn off the Iphone and, pour yourself a drink. Because you’ll never have this hour, this minute, this second again So smile and say “I guess all I can do is be happy then”.