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Nov 2018
we are the wallflowers
sitting on the side lines watching the world
with our dull eyes and hollow hearts
keeping a steady gaze on one another
waiting for the other to make the first move
we find each other out of
suddenly we can't live without our personal brand of ******
addicted to the loneliness
of being together
we scream sad songs about lost love
at the top of our lungs
relating to every word but pretending to be ironic
for someone like us to understand
like a cry for help into the void
clutching onto straws falling out of our hands
popping pills every morning to help us feel alive
but grasping onto reality has never been harder
we hold hands in the night
and the cold breeze tells us to go home
but we never do
because being alone with someone like you
has never felt so good
michela hibbett
Written by
michela hibbett  19/F
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