“From that moment, I knew it was too late to save her. She has gone all gooey in the middle.”
This is ******* ridiculous, We are both awake at 1am and you don’t talk to me I’m way too meretricious Source of vast and ******. What thoughts I have of you tonight? This night, the other night? The night you came to me in a dream And frightened me with your sight?
I know I’m pathetic This is all the context of me None of this is poetic, I’m bathing in your disdain- That’s the privilege of mine Maybe the time will pass And I wont feel the need to drown my sorrows in wine.
We are both together On different sides of everything That could be imagined- Did we leave something that still stings?
Once in one of my angelic dreams You were a creature that sings You gave me hope, I don’t want to admit that But in this machinery of morose bleeding days It vanished, like it wasn’t even the case.