Half the country was conceived in the back of a Chevy. In the dim lights of a drive-in movie we would steal moments of bliss. And in our youth we promised forever with every kiss. Was it so long ago ? Ages for you and me. Pages written in ink and stained in tears in your secret diary.
Come hell or high water. I lived my life as I saw fit. Never looking back, well, perhaps just a bit. It's not my intention to steal the past but I’m not fooling myself, not for a minute. This gig's not gonna last.
Come hell or high water I'm gonna take it all. I'll take the back roads, take the highways, before I fall. Then suddenly I found I was in a bad place on a good day. I stood on my toes as I faced the grim reaper. I said get on now, 'cause I’m not ready to go.