This mind is *****. Squalid. I will begrudge it no more. I will swallow it whole, I will follow it's role and dole out a more subtle close; panelling the house, my cloth, I will bite into the pocket wet from being searched for a stub or a roll of cash forgotten to be spent and crumpled in a ball- certainly withdrawn, a familiar accident of being thrown up by the morning into the next day, into the next day, overall a complete moronic dire wolf, a wire coil that slips between shoes and causes a fall, like an omelet on a pan (but I've run out of salt, chili, onions); waste of direction, waste of selection, an eviction that tragedizes the ******* of a cause. No better to detonate- and let suffer the dogs- or digest- and let suffer the bogs- but the only course left is to study or perform, unequivocally; supposed a dynamite tick-tock in the soul is there's any worth left in it to mould into something that can find a format for itself or a voice without a drawl, a voice unlike mine, which can halt without a pause, which can exalt without a cross, which can vault without a loss.