My hands tremble as I hold a glass plate. With a shriek I hurl the plate at the wall, Shards flying everywhere. Anger and pain welling up inside, overflowing As I throw anything within reach. Tears leave trails on my face. Breathing heavily I stare at the chaos I’ve created. I sink to the floor.
I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard. I can’t live in denial anymore. I can’t use excuses. I can’t give in. I wrap my arms around myself. Fighting to keep from sinking into misery. Fighting to stay human.
I stand in front of a mirror, naked and vulnerable. Years of unhealthy choices, exposed. The scale screams as I come closer, I step on. It gasps out a number and I step off. I’ve reached the point where I can’t ignore myself. To make a change and see it through. To be human again.
I put on yoga pants and a tank top. Running shoes are laced up. Music playing in my ears. I step forward into my new life.