I hide from the world sometimes Afraid that its touch could bruise or open up prior scars Scared that the gasoline I socked my cloth in could ignite from the slightest of flames. I put up walls as defenses And stack pillows behind me terrified of the fall if or when life decides to sweep the rug from under my feet There is comfort in where I stand, way up the turret Where the only fear comes from the thought of plummeting down the cliff and on to the rocky shore But other times the world seduces me in to its embrace And I let it I let it obscure me with its infinite experiences along with all its unexpected incidents Ravaging amongst its peculiar treasures Touch seizes to just be a simple caress of my skin atop another but rather the explosion of my sense Shattering yet exhilarating Fracturing, digging its way from the inside out And it makes me consider, perhaps these are the times where the void is as thin as paper And my finger translucent against its barricade Because the ocean that suffocated me before Lets me thrive in its core