Don’t you start Don’t you start running down those hills like somebody is chasing you. I get that leaving this empty place seems like the best idea and no one truly knows what you going through. As you leave a trail of wet sorrows not caring who sees nor about tomorrow as you come close to the end of your journey what conclusion did you come to? To stop and stare at the edge or fall straight off to your impending doom. Tears please don’t start
Just keep on Just keep on beating. We do the same dance to the same rhythm and for some reason you seem to slow it down every time something sparks a feeling. You should be drumming it at a normal pace and getting everybody moving but instead you make us stop for a second and get us thinking, crying, shouting, punching. Basically, you making us go through emotions that our brain doesn’t feel the need for us to go through yet you decide “no, the brain ain’t making the right decisions”. Your one job is not for us to feel emotions but instead to keep us moving. Heart, why can’t you just keep beating?