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Dec 2012
The Train!
It connects me to you..

I board the train.....
Leaving behind,
My family,
My friends,
My town,
My mother tongue
My culture,
My religion,
My familiar places,
My familiar faces,
My familiar tastes,
My possibilities,
My dreams,
My little joys...

I come to you....
In this train...
After each holiday....

For you are my joy...
You are my dream...
You are my familiar face..
You are my family...
You are my friend...
You are my god...
You are my life...
You are my language...
And my delicacy....

But as this train takes me to you...
I see the greenery fading behind me....
I see the geography changing....
I see the colours growing unpleasant...

The wind becomes dry....
The rain fades away....
The air actually stinks...
And my heart begins to sink....

The train....takes me to you....
I see you waiting for me...
You hug our little daughter...
And take the luggage from me....

You say, chicken is in the freezer...
Milk we will have to buy..
The rat ate the rice flour....
And...we will cook the chicken today...

I say,...I missed you !
You say ...oh too....
And I know you really did...
You had to make dosa yourself...

I turn to stare at the Train....
It took me to you...
Its taking a rest...
After delivering me to you...

At home...our day dawns...
I am in the kitchen...
You on bed with the news paper...
Then you watch tv and I cook....

Then you check mail...while I cook
Then we both cook and taste it....
And we say wow...and I cook more...
We watch movies and eat what we cooked

Then I clean kitchen while you sleep...
And I cook more while you watch tv
And you ask me if food is ready....
So that we can watch another movie....

I want to tell you,....
That my birthday was dull without you...
I want to show you all the things I brought...
But yeah...we can wait for the movie to end....

I hear the train passing by...
I hate the commotion it makes....
I hate the people sitting in it....
With foolish dreams packed well....

I come to bed at night...
To see you sleep peacefully...
Just then the night train pass by...
And I hate it....all the more....

It brings me to you.....
It never brings you to me....!
Written by
manju sober
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