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Nov 2018
If I had a name
I would keep it to myself
If I had a face
you wouldn't know me as well
If I was a person
you would love me
but its worse than
not existing
if i'm just living
for the essence
of what you look for in the present
I'm no futuristic lesson
I've got no story to tell.

If I had a story
I would take out all the bits
about the pain
Unless the sorrow builds up glory
then I would tell it until
the world gave me a name.
But it's worse than
not existing.
I wan't to be known
despite myself.
Is there anybody listening?
If not, I guess
I'm better off without...

Don't stay awake,
I function like a machine
That I better understand
without anybody hearing
Don't try read,
it's just a song that i sing
break my enigma,
now I know what I mean.

Is anybody looking through the
Is anybody looking through the
Is anybody looking through the fame?

Is anybody tending to the
Is anybody tending to the
Is anybody tending to the flame?
Written by
Case Catherine  M/North Carolina
(M/North Carolina)   
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