If I knew that was the last time I'd see you again, I would've held you in my arms longer. I would've told you what I thought of you. "I like the way you lick your lips and laugh as you look away" "I like the texture of your hair" I would've admired you a bit longer, Held your hand tighter; hoping you wouldn't let go. I would've asked you more questions. "What do you think of...this ?" "Where do you feel like you're headed?" I would've kissed you longer. Just a bit longer. I should've played more music, talked a bit longer. Who knew our time together would cut this short. God put you in my life for a short period of time to show me there's still hope. There's people like you out there. I barely knew you, But felt you on a level that could've grown to beyond the unknown. If only I could've felt your warm face against my hand just one more time. Just one more time...