Love hate, crying, dying. What do they all mean? Some say just things of life. Sunlight snow, rain, sorrow, and pain What do they all mean? Some say just things of death. The heart the soul, the mind, a crazy spirit of some kind Money, a car, a house, but don’t **** the mouse. Days going by by the clock on the wall Get rid of the phone, I hear no one call. A bus, a train, a plane Get rid of the white coat, I’m not insane. The bottle I drank the bottle I drink. Get rid of my mind, I need not to think. Me alone in a room girls passing Get rid of all four walls, their closing. Drink, smoke, ****, get rid of my glass heart it’s broke. A knife, blood take my life. Let me sleep it’s my spirit he’ll keep. Things of the mind It’s a special death I seek to find