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Dec 2012
You don't know who I am,
I don't know who you are,
You don't know how I feel,
I don't know how you feel.

You don't know what I like,
I don't know what do you like.
You don't know what I have inside me,
I don't know what you have inside you...

You don't know what I've been through,
I don't know what You've been through.
You don't know what my Life has been like,
I don't know what yours been like...

We both are almost complete strangers to each other,
Not knowing much about each other...

But I don't know why
I like spending time with you,
I like sharing with you everything,Although all this has been so less with you,
But i still want to
And I wish for more...

I don't know about you
whether you like spending time with me,
whether you like sharing anything with me,
But I want you to...
At least this is what I wish for,
But with no high expectations,
As with what I've seen till now...

I try to tell as much as I can,
Without letting you know
How I feel...

We are seeing less of each other these days,
I don't know why.
But what I know is that I miss everything with you
A lot...

Even with not knowing anything,
I don't know why
I want to spend time with you,
I want to talk to you every time, every moment,
I want to share with you everything,.
With wishing you would do the same,
Written by
Mangesh Krishna  Lucknow, India
(Lucknow, India)   
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