What would it be like to fly To dance on the clouds A life up above the bustle of the crowds What would it be like to explore the sky To float, to glide, to soar Defy the gravity that binds us to the floor
Could you imagine having super strength To be able to lift weights greater than a ton And perform feats never before done Could you picture a power without length The people would adore your immense power Praise and worship would befall you by the hour
Would you ever want to be faster than light Run, sprint, race, and dash Travel to places in an instant or a flash Would you ever wish to be so quick you’re out of sight Zipping and zapping like a lightning bolt Flying around with a jounce and a jolt
Picture the ability to remain unseen To remain out of sight and out of mind The power to become impossible to find To go where you please, outside or between The places you could go the things you’d see But invisible to others your person would be
These are grand and oh so great The glory, the honor, the praise you’d earn Love and adoration wherever you turn But I have heard of a better fate Of powers that many do not strive to attain But trapped in a life of fantasy they shall remain
What about the power to love one another Not just when it’s easy but when life is rough When something is wrong or the going gets tough Where are the people who love like none other The ones who know the meaning of true sacrifice That are willing to drop everything and not think twice
Forgotten is the strength of a mother or father The ones who keep on the lights and the water They’d give all they have for their son or their daughter Never to be defeated by a struggle or bother Determined to be strong for the ones they will raise So that their life may be filled with the most wondrous of days
Think of the men who trek into war A place where there are no powers of fantasy Where no one knows what the next day will be They give up their own so our safety is sure Danger and destruction could come at any time But they face it with courage no matter the crime
Remember the comforter with the power to heal Compassion and empathy from them overflows And through these actions their superpower shows To be there for others and know how they feel It doesn’t always take much or for them to even try Sometimes all that’s needed is a shoulder on which to cry
When will people realize these powers are true Not impossible ideas that are fake and unreal But realities you can touch, and see, and feel Not a matter of who you are but rather what you do High time we wake up and finally realize That a need is what this power truly satisfies