Sometimes I see myself from above, like in a surgical theatre (and what a nice sounding place, like maybe you might see some Beckett or even a musical) but no only the sound of bones under a saw and the light! is way too bright and the steel gleams with a music all its own (a speculum against the side of a metal bowl, the chorus of prying me open from far away, like a train passing caught in a breeze)
I want to scream but my words come out all funny and sprayed with smiling nurses overcome by the sound of suction (I pass into death once once more as someone finally closes the door)
(I wonder to myself how long have I had all of these extra parts and pieces and how did they stay in place me, this jigsaw puzzle all undone?)
I am under a press that guides my blood and fat into a doll with arms and legs that move (see?) just like you
I am under a mirror held in place by thin and green stems- I fall in and then out of my cage of consciousness, like a braid
I wonder, my slippery words (are they inside or outside of me?) WHERE ARE THE FLOWERS? at the end of the stems the last word, a gust of a word smiling nurse hovers close to my ear (there are) none