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Dec 2012
I wonder if I knew you then,
I wonder how we met.
I wonder how we were torn apart —
How you exited my head.

I wonder if you knew me then,
I wonder how you saw me.
I wonder if you knew my gaze —
If you anxiously averted.

Did I gaze from afar?
Or no — did you?
Did we talk easy?
Or fantasize?
Did I make you out to be my groom
And you me, as your bride?

Were our childhood days
Filled with lives to come —
Were our existences

I wonder if I know you now,
I wonder if we’ve met.
I wonder if we hate or love —
If our story’s written yet.

I wonder..
         If we
         know us.
Yejin Lim
Written by
Yejin Lim
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