many poets attempt to dress depression up to be a fancy visitor in a gloomy suit, like some rich guy from the forties with the cool hats
but that's not it at all. now, given, everyone experiences depression differently, but to me it feels like it's entangled into my every breath
i feel like the tree wrapped in poison ivy i found once when i was a kid and i grabbed one of the leaves like an idiot and rubbed it on my face because "the leaves are soft, mommy" and then i had to stay home for like, a week, until the rashes went away.
and, so, it is part of my humor now, and my breath, and my laugh, and my every blink, and even when i don't think it's there, it is- and it's not always destructive. sometimes it gives me a break from the anxiety and i can just sit back and let myself be mellow and tired
THUS it's okay that i am depressed and for the longest time i thought it was a part of me and getting rid of it would be getting rid of a part of me but i have come to realize that the healing process is CONSTRUCTION only and nothing will be destroyed as i get better.
rather, flowers will grow out of my volcanic ash and the fog will only linger in a way that makes a day look beautiful and I get to decide what i do with this palace of a brain that was granted to me.
that's what i think about tonight.
more about my depression because doesn't seem to be a healthy enough outlet for my feelings