I could think of many swear words to express my profound distress at the need to work again Such a normal thing to have to do and yet I turn against me I'd rather be doing other things, Wouldn't we all? Your words still wound me and I'm supposed to forget them What a tough time this is All my flaws suddenly turn technicolor They're all I see, all my mother would see You have taken her place and I want you to love me What a joke. Really when I can walk on water she will love me. And so will you. But those moments that filled me with rapture I had your positive attention, and I was was floating. It was an illusion. I was the one forgiving my flaws I was the one suddenly appreciating me I was the one feeling useful and worthy You were just standing there, giving me a flash of your time and no more because you are basically stingy So today, I felt like such a loser but I asked a cute swim coach about the Master's work-outs and I could join Me who only swims because of a lifetime of bad knees But there are men of all ages thrashing about in the pool Walking out for the world to see in the Speedos And I look up for a breath of a breastroke and I see what lies underneath the lycra So, honestly, it would be a social, healthy, motivating kind of thing If I am worthy of it, if I can forgive my out of shapeness and lack of technique The men, bare chested, some with hair, some not, all nearly naked swimming back and forth and then chattering about their man lives One more piece of motivation