The first early morning sunrays Sharp warmth Yet tender as it paints My freckled skin As I sit with crossed legs And heavy eyelids The only one shuffling out To watch him rise Above distant hills With dew And orange tinted Wild flowers Sweating the coolness of the night Into spiralling, trickling streams Carried into the river I rest my feet at her edges As he slowly, softly Sings the birds to life Generously Giving, sharing Breathing, beaming Despite all Unconditionally Our grandfather sun Exhaling life giving warmth Warmth giving love Always Nourishing, nurturing He weaves his magic Through every creatures tapestry So I love him back Larger today For he Is the first to embrace me Rustling my heart to life Morning through night Held In all days And all ways He melts me like no other For him I am eternally grateful For him I am always in service For now I need no other For now I desire no other And this is new And exciting, Fulfilling Overflowing For me For the sun Birds Tall grass Untamed land River beds Oceans Mountains Deep valleys Grandma forests And Those who walk With love and reverence For this devine Incredible ******* beautiful Earth under our feet Gracefully handing us life Every day