You do not rhyme with me, and I can see that. -even from here- One day I passed you -or you passed me- but only I know that you did not see me -only I know the difference- you looked but did not see. We do not rhyme, -you and me- together we make -dissonant- harmony, we make -useless- eye contact; we do not -wish we could- rhyme, you and I. One day I saw you -not just looked but saw- and it scared me, the -obvious- thoughts in your head, the -unrhyming- poetry written on your face, the -unfailing- -unwavering- -unrelenting- -untamed- knowledge that side -by- side, we do not rhyme. And so I wrote -one day- -one afternoon- a ballad for you and me. It doesn’t rhyme. It can’t be put to music. It can’t be what you might expect, -never- but this is how I am. Unrhyming. -sorry-