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Dec 2012
Those three words are said too much
To understand what they really mean
Like a record from the past, I play
Will you listen to me sing?
My heart was the metronome
Sending waves,
Beats of love
Throughout me
Thousands of volts of heart-quake began
When my eyes met the light bulbs in your
What beautiful poison they were
But so misguided I was
I wandered around the abandoned carnival
The only sound,
Breaking of mirrors as I saw what truly was me
I saw you in my eyes
Lights shining, but why so bright?
Leaking golden radiation into the depths of my despair
I left that day
My mind divorced my body and all reality,
Oh the ugliness left behind
I ventured inside your dreams and realized,
Maybe I'm not perfect, I
Send shock waves,
Break whatever it takes
But today, it wasn't I that did the breaking
Broke my heart
Marley Ward
Written by
Marley Ward  Hallsville, Texas
(Hallsville, Texas)   
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