The air is stayed By the hum of voices They whisper through the divides Between each leaf and branch As smooth and unnoticeable As the green beetles slow crawl and watchful eye
Voices trickle down the transparent Curving body of the forest’s streams Every caress the waters Give to the rocks Whose slippery surfaces are gowned With moss so green Chew more and more away The cold stone
The vibration of every tone Shakes the dome topped dew Droplets from the blades of grass That in the night’s closed walls Grow still With no wind to blow No sun light to warm them
Nature thrives through these voices As these voices thrive through nature Nature keeps counsel with all life And dances arm in arm with death
Life Death Nature They resemble tapestries That hung on the walls Of medieval halls Tapestries of three intertwining serpents Each devouring the other Forming a cycle Of continuous rebirth
The beetle chews the leaf The bird swallows the beetle The fox eats the bird
The leaf falls from the branch The stream carries it down its rapids The fish nip at it thinking it is an insect And the bird catches the fish
Particles are born Angelical masks are worn Tragic ends in lives are torn And everything is reborn