They stopped killing us as slaves and started killing us as citizens When citizens meant slaves but just to a different system Because the system wanted to give us a taste A whole new creation of black men and women who know the taste of bullets Because bullets are the backbone of their existence Piercing through their backs and their children's Tell me you’re sorry but it has to be like this 200 years of slavery and we still live like this I’m constantly asking myself when I die will I be anything more Than a hashtag and a sweatshirt with my face on it? Will I still be shackled to the blackness that’s been a magnet for ammunition? A magnet for the hands that cuff me before I never made a bad decision? A human designed for target practice? Told to prove the way the world looks at me wrong When the quality of my life has already been determined When we’re arrested for crimes we didn’t commit and over packed into prisons When the ghettos are already built so they can leave us to be deserted in When my neighbor’s body is already laying in the street When Trayvon’s already been dead for over six years When Danye Jones is left hanging from a tree like from centuries ago Told “Just don’t be Black” Because being Black is a threat You say you shoot to protect But my people have been starved since the day we were stolen Taught to work in the white man’s world but never to rise above him Taught our culture is ugly unless it’s appropriated and copied Upon this platform built on the backs of my ancestors hung like decorations Do I know a single black body in America that isn’t scared? Do I know a single black body in America that isn’t told by this country Not to be Black Because being Black is a threat So you box us inside of a stereotype until we become colorless Born into a cycle of fearing my life because you hate my skin While white men are left free to Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Parkland, Orlando, Charlottesville, Kentucky, Charleston Told not to be Black Because the white man is the threat They dig Black into our brains enough and they hope we forget That George Zimmerman was found not guilty Tamir Rice was less than thirteen That being Black in America is the slowest genocide in history To not breathe because they’d rather see us die of suffocation Gentrification because we can't taste freedom Because freedom tastes like lead casings Freedom means walking down the street but not being able to do it after evening Or anytime if it means wearing a durag or hood or black skin Freedom means beatings And freedom means bleeding Bleeding until five officers have gotten enough kicks at Rodney King Until Martin Luther King's killer feels like the dream has died with him Freedom is bleeding And freedom is - - - breathing heavy because I’m running and they still claim to be “policing” They still claim to be policing I’m - running and they still claim to be policing I’m - - - breathing, I’m running, I’m bleeding … I’m bleeding