If you’re gonna Die in the apocalypse Drop out of school Dump yourself into that little Ditch you made that was stemmed from Decades of anxiety and Depression You might as well look good doing it. If your mascara runs in the eternal Race to your dripping baby chin It might as well be mixed with the glitziest Eyeshadow you can afford (Mine is hand-me-down from my mom, Who has been called a drag queen too many times For her to count but somehow That makes me, her little genderless clown, Feel connected in some cosmic way To her ****** again). Save your pennies so you can Splurge at the thrift store on Sweaters that go down to your knees to hide Vaginas and ****, bits That maybe you wanna be coy about today, So all the people spitting in your eye can at least Trip on your pronouns and your triumphant ******* Can scrape the heavens. You’re allowed to buy that tie, I mean Easing the pain in your wrists and your heart and your stomach Is done best in floral print, In pop culture t-shirts, In femme/butch/femme/hard/soft **** culture, *** tantrums, If you’re gonna get called by the wrong ******* name all day At least look your best when you resist the urge To send fists sailing into their face. And it’s not just us but anyone, If you’re ******* angry that someone keeps commenting on the size of your Thighs the lush of your Lips and some ******* keeps Trailing you on his bike Shake your studded gloved fist at him and tell him THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, LORD OF THE *****, LORD OF THE NORM, I PICKED THESE FIVE DOLLAR SHOES FROM THE RACK OF GOOD WILL, SHONE THEM UP LIKE I SHINE MYSELF FOR MYSELF WITH MYSELF I AM MYSELF.