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Oct 2018
She sees him crying and asks him why
But the way she asks is more like a threat
"Don't you dare tell me a thing"
In both spoken and unspoken words
She manages to care without caring

To her, pain is only physical
Feelings are not supposed to be hurt
Emotions are not supposed to exist
Because he is a boy
He's not supposed to express anything
Because he is a child
He's not supposed to get tired
Because children are there to work

You are probably going to complain in future
That you have narcissists and selfish sons
That men are angry and can't control emotions
Tell me, what did you teach them?
Tell me, proud mother
What kind of men are you raising?
We need to change how we parent boys, they are human just like girls
Written by
Naomie  25/F/Kenya
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