So uncomfortable in my own skin Walking through this empty place Flat, no hills, no valleys Just grass
I come to a well and in it is me I see myself and ask myself questions Why am I here? As I stare at myself I can feel a new set of eyes on me I turn and there is me again. Why am I here? A third set of eyes snaps to me and yet again it is me. That same old reflection of insecurity. Why so insecure? Why am I here? So quickly a new set of eyes gazes upon me and then off of me Holding nothing but my insanity as a constant reminder of the grotesqueness of my character.
The well’s bucket holding my heart; I looked at it. And what a surprise a picture of me. The well asks me why I am here. I reply with a shrug. Indifferent of the situation I walk. Seeing myself everywhere now. Why am I here? I come to a different person, but all of my qualities reflected off of her. Haunting me to my extent, I *****. For I do not deserve this. I’ll just give in. The bitter sweetness of her presence is enough to be fatal. Looking in her eyes I see my sorrowful and diffident self. I give in and turn slowly towards the well…
I walk to that well… I take the bucket off the string and pour out my own heart and listen to it splash at the bottom…. Tie my knot… And hang myself… Why was I there…?