In search of what we do not know desire what we cannot know she seeks strange desires inflames. Strange is the only life I’ve known.
When I was young I thought for sure Some girl would marry me And we’d be happy.
I didn’t know evils in this world, tasks of aging disease death. Under duress I vowed
to be good boy Most of the time I’m scared. Life is risky. Everyone is so treacherous
including myself. I read somewhere or someone once told me poets originate from jesters jokers
hawking insults for king's amusement. Undress Before I speak another word Reveal yourself
Will you swear you’re true faithful devoted never cheated on a boyfriend promise to marry me then run back to you ex?
Take your ******* clothes off please. Are you terrified yet? You are an object
to fiddle with, my exquisite fetish. Sashay round room sway hips strut. Sit. Scoot down. Stay. Bow your head.
Bend your knees. Closer, show me your most intimate soggy swollen dark
down there. Put it on the table. Look into my eyes. Good Girl.
Between you and me this doesn’t feel like poetry anymore hawking insults for king's amusement. actuality I prefer flip-flop sometimes tied, other times knotting.
Here’s the routine She gets ******* at me And I say *******. Later I realize how much I need her
Beg forgiveness offer anything Just to crawl back into her arms. As far as I can tell You’re all a bunch of tidy
*******. No one wants to own up. What is the matter with you? Accidents happen. You’re not safe here.
Pendulum swings ditch gets deeper trusting what we know not cannot know.
Intelligence is delicate thread Other times knotting. Scoot down A little bit more for me, please.
“If there is no god than what do you believe in?” “Nothing.” “How do you pray to nothing?” “I don’t pray.” “What do you do when everything turns horrible, and you’re loved ones are endangered?” “I make plans.” “What kind of plans?” “Lunch, dinner.” “But what if meals are not a consideration? Like if your loved one is anorexic bulimic?” “I make other plans.” “What kind of other plans?” “Plans to make enough money to get free of people like you who ask too many questions.” “Oh.”
I forgot what I was thinking. Maybe I was thinking about love and loss. It is nearly 3 am. She is long gone. Memory is the biggest **** of them all, lying, betraying, reinventing everything, making passion with anyone, laughing hysterically crying.