Sometimes I dream of how it is To let go and finally feel nothing Nothing in a meaning of nothing Nothing not in a meaning of empty
And in those dreams I sometimes look into the coffin And sometimes just to the ground Where my selfless body lies And birds sing while wind cries Both combining into heartbreaking elegy nobody will ever hear
But then I wake up and I realize there's nothing I could leave behind when I'm gone Just a room with white walls and table with funny stones I believed they would protect me Both from world and me and my self-destructive nature
What if they are useless like I am? Just laying there, waiting for somebody to pick them up And give them purpose they need for their existence Or else they will just fall apart to useless pieces Useless pieces of what used to be whole
It's shameful writing these words When I feel terribly again for no reason that people would take seriously When I am in the bed, trying to sleep but I'm an insomniac as a day As I try to forget who I was yesterday
I'm not falling for depression neither anxiety I don't have all the symptoms but why do I feel like it? And I'm not bipolar, I checked some facts I'm just casually fading away every day
And no one sees it I finally feel lonely, not alone - straight up lonely There's this feeling like I don't fit in And I feel like another angsty teenager writing a poem About how life ***** when you are different But I don't care
I just want someone to hold me Someone to listen to me Just one person who would go to my funeral That one beautiful soul
Where are you? Where are you when I feel like this? I don't know who you are but I keep Calling your name over and over again, hoping You will hear my desperate voice and come to save me
Today I don't even have a strength to cry over all of this I'm tired of falling apart, of kissing my parts goodbye I need some sleep but I'm afraid I don't want to wake up Would flowers grow above me soon? Am I too young to ask that question?
And is it alright for me to be like this? Was I independent in the past or blind to these feelings I have now It would make sense, as I found out I feel either nothing or everything It's like washing the clouds in sunny day
I don't feel safe anymore, my heart is weak I can't help but keep falling down for my own misery I've written for myself My sense of stability is missing again and I don't want to bother I guess I just need to find person inside of me to fulfill their place
I'll bring myself flowers, I'll carry my soul I'll sing myself sad and sleepy songs And I'll say goodbye to myself with a smile Today I found out I'm the only person I need on my funeral