I like fishing, but dislike boats. I'm sick of washing, but still wear clothes.
My brother-in-law hates the way I live my life. My sister keeps the peace, the good little wife. Mum, I haven't spoken to for many, many, weeks. Another life, another town, it's solitude she seeks. My common-law husband is wheelchair bound, You can't jump puddles with legs that are round.
We own some land, the bank owns the house, If we miss a payment, they kick us out. You can't pitch a tent on the corner of the block, Reading the small print--they own the lot...
Sailing and laundry, painful relations, Mid-life crisis and petty celebrations. Watching a loved one severe his spine, Angry with friends, 'cause they're walking fine. Another rejection or funds cancellation, Penning a poem to vent my frustration. Seeing the darkness in plain black and white, A smile on my lips--This is my life...