A moment is never singular, exactly; it is obvious nothing on This Earth lasts. Even with a God, People obstinately search somewhere to ground the spar tree, The focal point, the axis, the Self.
Molecules have been examined down to Music; infinite harmonies taking perceived shape, With each element ever-changing as our senses are tuned. Particles are waves of color, our own hand turning the kaleidoscope.
Vainly a self-deceit of lasting solidity harbors the illusion of power to hold fast the fluidity of this cherished existence, like collectively barricading a levee between our perpetually sinking firmament and the inevitably rising sea.
Ink fades; paper burns; stone crumbles. But imagine by tenacious persistence we succeed in preserving at least some thoughts, In digital binary a corked message hurled over entropy into a hot, dry future.
Comprehension itself wouldΒ surely evolve away, abandoning our I's and 0's in their past, bits scattered from a broken bottle useless in a windy desert.
By dumb luck our toes have kicked the dust from remnants, mysteries of the Ancients. Sandblasting time has reduced their instructions for miracles down to perplexing sketches, littering a roofless sun-baked labyrinth of echoes.