Totally awesome speech Makes me smile Totally ruthless words Crack me up If you agree with this fact, come on then… back me up Those amazing phrases in a movie that made you want to yell ‘PREACH!’ Words that leave you lost for words When you’re on your own… glued to the screen and you guffaw Just laugh aloud… and that’s allowed That dumb **** that made you almost crap your pants “A flaming tiger with wings! Dude! That’s like Chinese for shut the f*ck up and dance!” Heard that in a stupid flick It didn’t even take it’s time before tickling the **** of me This film just begun… then started to get stupid quick And there were no mufflers… the curses flowed freely I loved it! Pretentious people going “Awww c’mon now… dude this is sick!” Ummm… for you maybe I have an open minded sense of humour The notion... That one cannot just simply make a joke about a dead baby I may agree with… maybe But I cracked up at the one where the wife says… “I’m taking time off because I’m pregnant.” And the Dictator replies “That’s great! So, are you having a boy… or an abortion?” If you're the touchy type Kindly refrain yourself from taking offense and getting all welled up with emotion.
Yeah... from time time I like to drop a bit of controversy. Excuse the vulgarity today, I tried my best to contain it... and failed.