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Oct 2018
What is wrong with dancing alone?
Why do i need a partner?
The music still feels good,
the floor still feels sturdy enough to hold my feet
I can still close my eyes and hear the rythm
I can still cry at the romantic story lines
I love it! Yes there's not an arm in mine but I love it
yes there's not a breath at the side at my neck but I love it
Wait but who's that girl ?I think I know her! is that loneliness ?oh no it's solitude it's serenity , it's inner reflection and solemnity
oh how I love to watch them in silence as they pass
What's wrong in dancing alone?
What's Wrong in dancing without music ?
Why do I need sound ?
My steps still glides well
Really Tell me! whats wrong in dancing alone?
Written by
   Fawn and A Simillacrum
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