I know for sure this won't end well, At least for them, and not for me. But if not me, then time will tell And there's no telling how soon that'll be.
That impatience always comes When you're rooting against someone. I'd call it something you would know, If I knew myself, to say how so.
Call me jealous, or something alike, And in their shoes the sick get sicker. So switch to vengeance, burning spite, Should anger prove to **** me quicker.
A chance to say 'I told you so'. Perhaps that's something that I'm owed. Perhaps it's something that I want. Perhaps it's really all I want.
And so I'll wait, and wait some more. I'll wait and wait and wait and wait And maybe by the end I'll know If this is good or love or hate.
I know for sure this won't end well And so I'll play the waiting game. If all goes south, then I'm to blame. I guess to them, it's all the same.