Love is the blind man who wears sunglasses on his eyes and holds his cup out, begging for money He can't see who gives him money but when he hears the coins drop and hit his cup He is grateful
He can't tell if the money giver is dark as night Nor can he tell if the money giver is plae as snow All he knows is they took the time to spare what they could give
As he uses his walking stick to tap the pavement He hears the cup make the noise of joy He thanks the giver and hears the sound of a baseball bat
He doesn't know if they bat for one team or if they bat for the other Or maybe they bat for both But that doesn't matter they took their own money and gave him some
He walks some more and he continues to hear money hit the cup With each sound he gives a smile A smile for every money giver becasue he doesn't care who you are or what you do He cannot see