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Oct 2018
You come to me
like, sleep, unconsciously.
Your messages
touch me in a special way.
Through them you
kiss me like a lover would.
By the light of my screen, from afar
I feel your fingers roving as you
***** me in the dark.
Though we can’t
press our bodies closely
our feelings rise
entwined as one.
My words weaving
flowers in your hair.
Hot and drenched,
in my mind,
I will explore your body,
caressing the keys so
I can
bring you to the edge.
Describing, leading.
I reach out and
touch you
giving you,
pure, electric
waves of passion
deep in the recesses
of your psyche
as one awakened by
Cupid’s fleeting kiss.
Written by
GB  51/M/Tokyo
   Violet Bliss
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