Go, small song. Make yourself known. Stretch your arms as sunlight, glow. We humans’ leaves’ greens need you, so, will you love us as our ears do you? Wonder with me, throat, as you say your notes and lengthen their dull to soft nevers. The crowd still hears you tomorrow, the last song before the final closing of the eyes before godless sleep. Coffins vibrate with your enthusiasms, corpses know remorse, finally, like a cracked ancient bell with some something left. String me as ******* screaming in pillow fields. String me as hazardous Lazarus sinewed neck-string plucked as flowers, as slave-ships docked upon the shore with gentle endless thud. We’ll keep singing spirituals forever, we’ll keep saying things about skin. We will win. Win like mirrors lastly seeing smiles. Come with me as stars die and are still witnessed. Inscribed as pride in a mother’s voice with small black boy joy, with tears, first cries, blood, water and the mother’s song mountain-heavy and living.