Here I find myself In a semblance of an assembly A spineless lizard Lazing with a sheet He tells me sweet acrimonies About balancing his shelves Appoints himself a wizard Over anybody else
Tells me of obligations Within a life on parole Upholds his occupation In an insulated hole Bestows us something he don’t hold And demands we give it back Sanctifies the mold That is soon to shape our tracks
Hollow hands for thankless kings That pull no gratitude He wears a tune he doesn’t sing Dares to worry of our food He patronizes a choir He grasps the open sea And says “I have the fist of salt That will lead to unity”
Coddles us like Cain Treats this brick like a stable Life doesn’t drive in lanes Elastic minds are able If you’ve gone to deride us You wear it on your form Don’t brave an iron suit You don our skin, Norm
You read your your books on nature You’re bred to expect rain Yet waste a breath to nurture Some other person’s reigns Dread a life that keeps you well- Beholden to the rule: That life is tethered to a bell Engulfed in packless mules