Who are you to judge that which doesn't concern you? Are you trying trying to plant your pedicured feet in tattered sneakers or is it a twisted satisfaction your mind eagerly propels through? A desire so sickening of emotional magnitude, you might as well use your dainty fingers to reopen a freshly sewed knife wound. Oh, that's not what you "meant" to do? It's not I you have to tell.
Continue to play the innocent card, it's what you do best; An Ace you can't seem to stress, giving protection like a bullet-proof vest, whereas the downtrodden can't fathom to use their resources to unleash a slugfest you oh so request. Ultimately, it's an oppression of border-line obsession that conveys a weakness infesting your malignant mind.
What audacity must you have to belittle those who are persecuted; mistreated by society and suppressed by privileged voices. You must truly be afraid of Outcasts if you require silence for their songs and melodies seek inner harmony and bliss. It is these traits that are a forgotten treasure in the eyes of the entitled, for they'll dismiss and deny its existence since it actually requires hard work
We've been beaten and bruised, disappointed and disheartened, but we as outcasts will continue to remain defiant to your sinister pestilence. We have a fire in our hearts that burns the brightest amongst the darkest of skies, and that is something your fragile heart will never be blessed with.