Scribbled words to form a letter A letter I gave to you in the hall when the bell rang at 9:28 I feared I was too late That I missed you Only to find you following right behind my friend and I I turned behind my friend "This is for you." I awkwardly said You smiled softly, and gently accepted it with a whispered "Thank you." I turned back now anxious I pulled my padfolio up to cover my mouth shyly I glanced back to see you intently reading I feared your reaction After all, I'm just some random chick with purple hair who thinks your pretty and cute, Who wants to get to know you more and be your friend As we parted ways and I went downstairs I looked back one last time I saw you smiling I exploded with happiness and literally danced down the stairs "I think I scored myself a new friend." I told my friend who walked next to me still After that I smiled like a weird fool in the library A few seconds after sitting down I saw you add me on Snapchat I thought things were okay and things were going well Then I knew you felt I was weird Nothing I did seemed to work it out or turn the conversation normal Then my friend at lunch took my phone She asked you to formal Sent weird photos of me Accidentally video called you Sent some love stuff And just completely humiliated me and crushed the tiny chance of being friends I jinxed myself saying I might see you later Because as soon as those words left my mouth You rounded the corner Our eyes locked and all I got was a small, uncomfortable, weirded out smile I hit and pushed my friend who took my phone and did that I screamed at her embarrassed and knowing that now everything was ruined She laughed She doesn't care and it's a joke now I walked to class and sat here on the verge of tears Everyone hates me I'm meant to be alone and hated...