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Oct 2018
Face to face with a gun like face to face with a man
Except the gun isn’t pulling it’s own trigger
The man is
The man I’ve known over half of my life
The man who rips everything away from my fingers no matter how much I care
His eyes pierce my heart with a thousand needles
I need someway to stop this
I need someway to tell this man I deserve to live
That I can do some form of good in this world
No matter the consequences
Somehow to prove to him that I am a good person

But am I?
Do I deserve to live life like I want?
I’ll never get back all of those who I’ve hurt
All of those who I have killed
I could of done so much better in my life
But instead I wasted it hurting those whom I loved
I wish I could change

I must try and convince this man that my life is my own
I must try and convince this man standing in front of me that I deserve to live
It’s no use
It’s too late

I pull the trigger
Written by
Jackson  16/FTM/United States
(16/FTM/United States)   
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