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Oct 2018
With the Help of Just One More Rhyme
I don't know how much longer I can take this/
Every day it's getting harder to fake this/
I hate this/
Waking up to a house full possessions and empty confessions/
It's depressing/
Now every time I look in the mirror I see nothing but misery/
The shadows under my eyes are getting darker and staying alive is getting harder/
But what can I do/
I'm just a lonely man with nothing in this hand while waiting for the hour glass to run out of sand/
Singing my rhymes and reminiscing about all the good times/
And every time I didn't cross the line so just for a minute things might seem fine/
Honestly life is hard being me when you spend your time watching it pass you by/
Some days it gets so hard I just want to break down and cry but I'm afraid to let my daughter see me/
Asking questions why/
So I lock myself in this room and let the tears fall into some empty song/
Now what do you do when what little you had is taken an your left angry, body shaking/
No matter what you cant undue whats been done the hope now gone/
So giving up is the only thing you come to desire cause everyday feels like your hanging on by a wire/
Never knowing if your gonna fall and having no one to call/
That's my life and every day feels like I might die as if I should always be ready to say goodbye/
Thinking of how things use to be in the past only makes it worse with the reality that my last stones already been cast/
So by the end of the day I'm almost taken off my feet with the feeling of defeat/
As I lay down on the bed sheet I begin to feel like I'm buried in concrete/
Knowing that I will have to go through it all again when I wake leaves me to pray to be ok/
So just maybe I can do it one more time with the help of just one more rhyme/
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