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Oct 2018
Looking at my corps in the coffin while people cry
People saying things they should've told me before I die
So helpless I laid there
I wanted to move but I couldn't
I wanted to cry but no tears flue
I screamed as loud as I could
As I laid in a beautiful coffin of wood
It's like everyone was deff
It's either everyone was deff or they were ignoring me
Hey it's me
I'm over here in the corner
Can anyone hear me?
I guess not
It's like I was there but no one could see or hear me.
I wanted to move but my legs had no life
I try to get up but I was no longer in control of me
I couldn't move my fingers or toes
I try to open my eyes but they were tightly closed
I wondered to myself
Like maybe I was dreaming,
And if I was when will I wake up
To me it was a dream but to everyone it was reality
Goodbye I said as I watch them lower me into my bed
Kevarie O Leslie
Written by
Kevarie O Leslie  New York, NY, 10036
(New York, NY, 10036)   
   Elizabeth C
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