We spent days together. smoking kush, watching the **** tube. everything seemed like it could last forever. sometimes i wish i could go back to that place, of both calm and aware. a place where all we had to care about was what to watch. but instead im here. alone. worried, frightened even.
when will you come back? when will we sit together? when will i be able to lye my head on your lap as you run your soft finger tips through my sandy hair? when will we laugh together, smile and kiss a little? when will we not have a care in the world?
i want it back. i want it all back.
i hate being in a world so rushed by society. i hate living in a community where money is everything. i hate people who take showers every morning. i hate people who throw their pocket change at homeless men. i hate people who quote movies and think its cool. i hate everybody. but not you. and right now, i need you