Time, what is it really. How can we truly measure it. A minute, could be a moment with you. An hour, could be a lifetime missed. The lines of time we weave are unreliable Unattainable UNFORGIVING. One wrong step And there is a wrinkle in that line Forever You can’t fix it You can’t forget it It will always be there STARRING At you Yet a beautiful teeny tiny moment The happiest you can remember It will always be there too Like a river streaming through you mind Tinkling its joy to you For always and never disappearing But in a single second your time Your wrinkled and beautiful line Could Be
What then? What waits after? Is there any SURE answer… Or ARE You Just Nothing… Maybe you will float in time Expended there forever Not moving Yet not still Life in itself is still very unanswered And so is death So all we have is an UNKNOWN Amount of flowing time To pass it all by What is done with this precious TIME Are decisions just made By people like me and you Wrong And RIGHT But those are questions too What is right? And What is wrong. A single action Could define a life Make it Or Break it It truly all is TIMES decision…