I've renamed this system with two words called, "Marking Scheme", Cuz at the end of the day it's exactly what it seems!
Appreciation won't be allotted for the efforts you made, Things would always come back to the ultimate phenomenon called "GRADE"!
Toppers choose PCM and flunked ones go with Humanities, You not only disappoint your folks but also the society, And leave no scope for popularity!
Teachers accuse the child saying he/she doesn't possess wisdom, We lack it because of only our Education System!
Critics never stop......taunting non-symapathetically, Would never glance to the other side but tell you to study systematically!
UAE's got oil, Korea's got television, and Japan a lot of technology pioneers, Meanwhile the birthplace of talent...is busy producing Engineers!
We don't become learners but academics become a constant debt, Cuz out of the 132 Crore people....not even a single one has a different mind-set!
Walter Lewin once said,"If a student finds a subject boring...then the teacher must be dumb", Now if he would have been Indian....What different song would he have sung?