...And as we move, so too does the mind. Shaped by divergence. Rendering the oncoming landscape for our poor pathetic little mind's to comprehend, whilst true, natural fertility is shed, dropped to the ground, recognized as little more than detritus, lost to the process of reconstitution.
As interpretation seems to be prone to spinning, so too does our willingness to become dizzy. Blaming disorientation, never lack of focus.
Only what's in front of us can slow the onset of nausea; instead we choose to consume the calamity, pridefully ignoring its immensity. Finding ourselves bent over, heaving up what's left of the carcass we're all devouring. Giving back to that which we all spurn, the nutrients of survival.
I can't stand the made up plight of man. The maladies we allow to overwhelm us daily, simply because the grind, the acceptance is better then the stand, the resistance.
All I see anymore are walking effigies, doing as they're told, becoming exactly what they were cast to be. Succumbing to the malevolence of playwrights whose power only exists because you've given it to them. You're becoming their form of social interaction. Now you're stuck between two cameras, but you can't be bi-focal.